WiFi Controlled Desk Lamp was inspired by Twisted WiFi Controlled Desk Lamp.
, WiFi_Controlled_Desk_Lamp_Twisted_Hull
and WiFi_Controlled_Desk_Lamp_Twisted_Top
are fixed/tweaked models from original project. Other models were designed in SketchUp Make 2017 or OpenSCAD.
3D Printed parts:
- 1x WiFi_Controlled_Desk_Lamp_Base.stl
- 1x WiFi_Controlled_Desk_Lamp_Button.stl
- 1x WiFi_Controlled_Desk_Lamp_Core.stl
- 1x WiFi_Controlled_Desk_Lamp_Twisted_Hull.stl
- 1x WiFi_Controlled_Desk_Lamp_Twisted_Top.stl
3D Printed parts:
- 1x WiFi_Controlled_Desk_Lamp_Base.stl
- 1x WiFi_Controlled_Desk_Lamp_Button.stl
- 1x WiFi_Controlled_Desk_Lamp_Top_Cover.stl
3D models could be also downladed from Thingiverse https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4697599.